Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Watoto Church

The first Sunday we were in Uganda, we were able to go to the Watoto church in Kampala. It was one of the most beautiful buildings in the whole city!

We were told to bring our dancing shoes, and they weren't kidding!

The service was incredible, and it was so fun to worship God by singing, dancing, shouting, and praising with no inhibitions! They go all out! The church had reserved the second row for us, and they took time in the service to thank our group for coming to serve the village of Bbira. Gratitude was shown to us constantly throughout the week, and it was so refreshing to see people so thankful for God working through others!
The following Friday night, our group went back to church to check out an event the church was putting on for students at University: your future is so bright, you better put your shades on. The event was awesome - there was dancing, worship, talent shows, speakers, etc. The only thing is, it started at 5, and we left early at 9. It was great but LONG!!

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