Friday, September 9, 2011


Watoto realizes that most of the people who come over to Uganda to serve do not get to see the same kinds of animals and wildlife back home as they can while they are in Africa, so they offer several different excursions to participate in after the building project is completed. We opted to do a safari, and we got to see God's beautiful, AMAZING handiwork up close for two days!

This is Murchison Falls on the Nile River. It is absolutely incredible. The majesty of God just radiates from the power in the water, and seeing the rainbow (second picture) was just another reminder of God's love for us!

We saw the Falls from this angle the first time and then from the actual Nile a couple days later.

Apparently, the falls are so strong that if a fish goes down them, it ends up in shreds. The guides said the crocodiles all hang out downstream from the bottom to gobble them up.

As soon as we approached the safari site, we were greeted by baboons and elephants. None of the animals seemed too bothered by our presence and would get surprisingly close to our vehicle.

We also saw water buffalo,




warthogs (which they said are so mean and aggressive - probably because they are pretty ugly),

many different kinds of birds,

and, what I had been SOOOO excited to see in real life, giraffes!!

As excited as I was to see the giraffes, I don't think anything could have been much better than the KING OF THE JUNGLE! We approached a thicket (side note: off-roading in a bus - AWESOME!), and couldn't see anything. We asked our guide what he was doing, and he said to look in the thicket because there was a lion in there! We were within ten feet of a male lion! He was hard to see at first, and as soon as we realized what we were looking at and how close we were, we were pretty glad he was taking a nap. He did eventually wake up (can you find him in this picture??)

but luckily, he wasn't hungry :) That is what we thought, at least. Come to find out, the female actually does all the hunting and just brings the food back to the male who sleeps all day! Here she is - check out her guns!!

Do not make her mad!

Genesis 1:25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.


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