Friday, September 9, 2011

The Bulrushes - Watoto Babies

This was definitely the place we did NOT get to spend enough time. Our itinerary had us slotted for one hour at Bulrushes, which is the baby home in Kampala. Watoto named it the Bulrushes because Moses was rescued from the Bulrushes and brought up in the palace, and they want to do the same for the babies they take in. This is where babies are brought and stay until they are two, and then they will go to one of the other villages. Our guide told us there were baby detectors on the bus, so they would know if we had snuck one in our backpacks to take home with us. Otherwise, I probably would have come home with a few!! They are absolutely precious!!

This is the main room in the center of the baby palace where the kids can play or sit in their high chairs. The system they have in place is incredible - the ladies who work there feed, change, and love on 50 babies all day, every day. We got to help with the feeding while we were there :)

Cedric was happy once I picked him up and started talking to him (and feeding him, of course), but this was how I found him:

The babies all seemed so content, especially when they were given any attention. I am so glad I was able to see the baby Watoto that I sponsor. It is very clear that the babies are in great hands. God is doing such awesome things through Watoto!

Psalm 139:13-14 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

This is the NICU for the babies who come in sick. Many of them have AIDS or other diseases passed on from the mother. Many of them were found in dumpsters or left for dead on the side of the road. They stay in the NICU until they are healthy enough to join the rest of the babies.

This is one of the long-term volunteers who is there from Australia. She is there for six months and is a full-time volunteer at the Bulrushes. This is DEFINITELY something I am looking into for the future.

SO precious!

Some day, you may see another picture similar to this one. God has put it on both our hearts to adopt!

Unfortunately, I had spent most of our allotted time with the younger babies, that I was only in the 2-year old room for about 5 minutes. I hated saying goodbye to this little sweetheart.

Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.

If you would like to sponsor the Baby Watoto, it is $35/month and goes to such a great cause. Unlike the older kids, when you sponsor Baby Watoto, the money goes to all the babies. When they turn 3, the children get individual sponsors. All sponsorship information can be found on their website:, or you can let me know if you are interested, and I will get you set up with them!

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